Assess the situation and contact 9-1-1 to report injury accidents or the 校园安全 Department for property damage accidents at 248.204.3945 or 3945 从任何校园电话.


  • 什么发生
  • 事件发生地点
  • 任何已知的伤害
  • 何时发生
  • 谁牵涉其中

An active shooter describes one or more armed persons whose only objective is to cause serious injury or death to as many persons as possible. Normally there is no pattern concerning which victim will be selected by the intruder. However, there are certain things you can do to minimize your chances of becoming a victim. Incidents of this type tend to escalate very quickly and will require the immediate response from armed law enforcement officers to contain and stop the incident. In the following guide you will find certain suggestions that faculty members, students and staff can take if you are ever confronted with a situation of this nature. 记住要保持冷静, follow these simple steps during an emergency and your chance of being a victim can be greatly reduced.


  • Immediately run to a building, enter a room, and lock the door if possible.
  • 放下你携带的任何可能减慢你速度的东西.
  • 如果你进不去,可以用树、车、邮箱等. 为了躲避枪手.
  • 如果你在大庭广众之下, 趴在地上,平躺, 在枪手离开之前不要动.
  • 尽快, call 9-1-1 and tell the police where you are and if you need any medical attention.
  • Provide a detailed description of the assailant and the direction he/she was last observed traveling toward.


  • 呆在原地躲避. 呆在可以上锁或设置路障的房间里.
  • 如果你在一个不安全的地方,它是安全的移动, 去附近一个可以上锁或设置路障的房间.
  • Reinforce the door with furniture, desks, file cabinets or any other material available to you.
  • 关掉灯和电脑显示器, close the blinds and cover any door window with an opaque cover.
  • Keep as quiet as possible, stay down low near a wall away from the door and 窗户 in the room.
  • 将所有手机调至静音或震动模式.
  • 请尽快拨打911. 把你的确切位置告诉警方. Tell them how many others are with you and if anyone needs medical attention.
  • 如果你看到了攻击者,描述一下他/她.
  • Do not open the door to any voice commands, even if you recognize the voice.
  • Wait until you are sure the police are present before opening the door. If needed, call 9-1-1 to confirm that law enforcement officers have arrived.
  • 如果攻击者试图进入你所在的房间, be prepared to throw objects at him/her and fight for your life! 


  • 严格按照警察的指示去做.
  • 保持你的手随时可见.
  • 不要碰犯罪现场的任何东西.
  • Do not leave the campus until you are instructed to do so by the police of 校园安全 personnel.
  • Remember, you may be a witness to a crime and may be required to speak with investigators.

认真对待来电者! 不要挂断来电者的电话!

保持冷静,试着记住威胁的确切话语. Write details down and attempt to learn answers to the following questions, if possible:

  • “炸弹什么时候爆炸??"
  • “炸弹现在在哪里??"
  • “炸弹长什么样子??"
  • “这是什么炸弹??"
  • 什么会导致炸弹爆炸?"
  • “是你放的炸弹吗??"
  • “为什么要放置炸弹??"
  • “你是谁?”?"
  • “你在哪里?”? 你住在哪里??"
  • “你的电话号码是多少??"

Also, the police will want to know other details, if possible:

  • Estimations on age, sex, and race based on what was said and how it was said
  • Any distinguishing aspects of their voice (tone, accent, slurred, impediment, etc.)
  • 能听到什么背景噪音吗

电话正在进行中, attempt to get someone's attention and have him/her call the 校园安全 Department at  248.204.3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话. If you cannot get assistance, call the Southfield Police Department as soon as the call ends.

内乱包括暴动, 示威活动, 或者是那些具有重大破坏性的集会.

  • 评估情况.
  • 遇到任何危及生命的紧急情况请拨打911.
  • 如有其他骚乱,请致电校园安全中心  248.204.3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话.
  • 避免激怒或阻碍示威者.
  • 保护你的区域(待在室内,锁住建筑物等).).
  • 继续正常的日常生活(如果可能的话).
  • 远离窗户和门.
  • Prepare for evacuation or relocation (校园安全 will advise).


  • 手动启动火灾报警系统.
  • 打电话给9-1-1.
  • 如果你的衣服着火了,停止滚落.
  • 如果安全的话,立即离开大楼,关上门.
  • 双手跪地,匍匐到出口.
  • 保持低姿态,尽可能屏住呼吸.
  • 用鼻子浅呼吸.
  • 如果无法退出, 准备好向外面的人发出信号, 但不要打破窗户,因为一股空气会助长火势.


  • 走到最近的出口或楼梯间.
  • 协助有特殊需要的人士.
  • Notify First Responders if you know of someone trapped in the building.
  • 开门前用手背摸摸门.
  • 不要冒着人身安全的危险去保存财物.
  • 不要使用电梯.
  • 不要打破窗户.
  • 在烟雾中移动时保持低姿态.
  • 疏散淹水地区.
  • 与校园安全部门联系  248.204.3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话.
  • Use extreme caution around electric wires, appliances, equipment, etc.
  • 确保重要设备和化学品的安全.
  • Don't return to the building unless you have been given instructions by the 校园安全 Department.

Only trained and authorized personnel are permitted to respond to hazardous materials incidents! Employees must be trained in the safe use of chemicals or chemical management prior to working in a lab or cleaning up minor spills.


  • 试图控制泄漏.
  • Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while cleaning up the spill/leak.
  • 通知主管并致电校园安全部门  248.204.3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话.


  • 立即致电校园安全部门  248.204.3945 or 3945 从任何校园电话.
  • 不要试图自己清理泄漏物.
  • Provide clean-up/rescue personnel with appropriate Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and other important information.

打电话给校园安全部门  248.204.3945  or  3945 拨打任何校园电话,他们都会回复. 如果需要,我们会联系高级生命支持系统.

p. 248-849-3000

p. 248-655-6000



  • 一个人对自己或他人造成伤害的陈述
  • 奇怪/破坏性的行为
  • 严重的情绪行为


  • 如果情况有生命危险,请拨打911.
  • Call the 校园安全 Department if the situation is non-life threatening at  248-204-3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话.
  • 保持冷静... 让对方继续说话... 呼叫其他资源协助.


  • 全国预防自杀热线:  1 - 800 - 273 - talk (8255)
  • 利记sbo咨询中心  248-204-4100 or  4100 从任何校园电话.

保持冷静,并通知校园安全部门  248-204-3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话.


  • 遵循校园安全指导
  • 在评估情况前,先躲起来.
  • Lab personnel should secure all experiments and unplug electric equipment prior to evacuating.
  • 不要点燃蜡烛或任何其他类型的火焰来照明.
  • 关掉电灯开关. 拔掉所有电器(电脑等)的插头.). 


  • Keep the passengers calm and let them know you are getting help.
  • 遇到任何危及生命的紧急情况请拨打911.

Call the 校园安全 Department for non-life threatening emergencies.

如果发现可疑包裹或信封,  非急救人员不得打开或触摸 . 打电话给校园安全部门  248.204.3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话,并安全/清理该地区.

Some characteristics of suspicious packages and envelopes include the following:

  • 不恰当的或不寻常的标签
  • 过度的邮资
  • 手写的或打得不好的地址
  • 常见单词拼写错误
  • 回信地址奇怪或没有回信地址
  • 不正确的头衔或没有名字的头衔
  • 不针对特定的人的
  • 标记有限制,e.g. “私人”、“机密”或“禁止x光”
  • 带有威胁性语言的
  • Postmarked from a city or state that does not match the return address


  • 粉状物质:通过包装感觉到或出现在包装上的粉状物质
  • 油渍、变色或气味
  • 不平衡或不均匀的信封
  • Excessive packaging material such as masking tape, string, etc.


  • 过多的重量
  • 滴答作响的声音
  • 突出的电线或铝箔


  1. 包裹是需要的吗??
  2. 我认识的人寄来的?
  3. Addressed to someone no longer at the location or non-existent?
  4. 不寻常的重量、大小或形状?
  5. 任何威胁? 为什么受害者会成为目标?


  • Stalking actions or other unwanted non-physical contacts by another.
    • 不去面对跟踪者
    • 拨打911或校园安全部门  248.204.3945 or  3945 从任何校园电话.
  • 包括不必要的身体接触的攻击性行为.
    • 拨打911或校园安全部门 248-204-3945 or 3945 从任何校园电话.
    • 如有需要,寻求安全和医疗救助. 在紧急医疗服务和警察到达之前,留在伤者身边.
    • 奥克兰县家庭暴力庇护所:
      • 临时住宅(市中心)| 313.861.5300
      • 第一步(西区)| 734.722.6800 or 888.453.5900


  • 对不断变化的天气状况保持警惕. 寻找即将来临的风暴.
  • 注意以下危险信号:
    • 暗的,常为绿色的天空
    • 大冰雹
    • 低洼的大而暗的云(尤指旋转的云)
    • 巨大的轰鸣声,类似于货运列车
  • If you see approaching stroms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.
  • If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.


  • Go to the pre-designated shelter areas that are marked on maps in each campus building.
  • 通常来说, 如果建筑物没有地下室, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level (closet, 室内走廊)远离角落, 窗户, 门, 还有外墙. 在你和外界之间筑起尽可能多的墙. Get under a sturdy table or desk and use your arms to protect your head and neck.
  • In a high-rise building, go to a small interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible.
  • 不要打开窗户.